Memorandum No 03/2024

To the Brethren

Oxford, 28 August 2024

Dear Brethren, The Peace of God. Amen. 


According to the latest announcements, upon the preparation of God, on the 21st of September, we will have the
reopening of the church in Manchester. Such a milestone reflects a great victory of the Work of God in the United
We want to thank all those who have contributed in some way to this, whether it was through the Holy collections, or
the time dedicated, or the voluntary work, and, above all, through the prayers that have risen as pleasant incense to our
It is due to be informed that, for the first services, scheduled for the 21st and 22nd of September, there will be a limit on
the maximum capacity of people who will be allowed to enter into the church, due to the laws of England.
The entire ministry and administration desired to accommodate everyone, but we are conscious of our limitations and
duties under the law.
For this reason, several measures are being adopted by the brothers of the administration in communion with the
ministry, so that everything takes place in the most perfect order and good witness of the Work of God.
Acting with the same diligence and carefulness that we have been taught, we are sure that shortly our generations will
harvest the same fruits that we are today, and they will have the freedom to continue with the Work of God throughout
the United Kingdom.

Your brothers in Christ,
The Council of Elders in the United Kingdom and the Administrative Committee

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