To the Brethrem
London, 24th of April 2021
Dear Brethren,
The Peace of God. Amen.
We are happy to inform the brethren that in the Ministerial Meetings that occurred in March 2021, it was deliberated that we would return to in-person services, on the condition that all rules enacted by local authorities are to be rigorously followed.
As such, we should be aware of and obey the following rules:
- Respect the maximum capacity that has been determined for the local halls. These calculations have been done considering the safety and social distancing guidelines that are required by the halls. As such, you will be required to make a reservation for the services on our online reservation system that is available on the CCUK’s website (
- As we respect the social distancing regulations that have been enacted by the authorities, the Ministry advises that there will not be any physical greetings, including the shaking of hands, hugging or greetings with the holy kiss, before or after the holy services.
- Those that have a temperature above 37.4 degrees will not be allowed to enter the halls.
- The use of face masks that cover the mouth and nose is mandatory. The only exception to this is those that have a medical order stating that they are exempt.
- The use of hand sanitizer by all participants is recommended. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entry point of all the halls.
- The worship services are to be concluded within a limited amount of time; therefore, we will not have the liberty for testimonies.
- Singing of hymns is prohibited as requested by authorities.
- Wind instruments are prohibited.
- The brethren should be prudent, bring your own hymnbooks, bibles, and veils, eliminating the need to borrow the same, and reducing the chances of contagion.
- Avoid gatherings before and after the services. The brethren should immediately leave the premises after the service, as gatherings are prohibited, including in the parking lots.
In the locations in which the capacity to partake in a holy service is smaller than congregation, due to the maximum capacity of the hall, we request the understanding of the dear brethren regarding these limitations, as we try to give as many of the brethren an opportunity to congregate as possible, even if it is on alternating dates. We have made an online booking system available on our website so the brethren can make reservations to participate in the services. If you have not received a username and password to access the system, please contact your local ministry.
While the online booking system is in use, the brethren will only be able to congregate at their local congregations.
Any other in-person services remain suspended, with the exceptions of baptisms, which, when necessary, will be performed.
To be clear, not all the halls are available at this time, due to several factors, but the Administration remains in contact with those local halls, and the brethren should contact the local ministry for any additional information. Due to this, the Children and Young People’s services and the Sunday evening online service will remain online until all the locations have been reopened.
Regarding the collections, we would like to inform the brethren they will have the option to either contribute directly to the collection boxes in their local congregation or they can also continue to participate in the collections via the instructions available on the CCUK website. The funds which are being received during this time will be used for the purposes in which we have the greatest need.
In closing, reminding the brethren of the social responsibility that the current environment requires of us, any of the brethren that have symptoms of the flu, or are coughing, sneezing or have a fever, should not participate in the holy services, and those that are considered in a high-risk group should follow the recommendations of the authorities.
As new facts arise and the situation changes, new deliberations may take place, and the brethren should check the CCUK website for the latest updates.
Greetings, The Elders