Memorandum No 03/2023

To the Brethren

Oxford, 09 December 2023 

Dear Brethren, The Peace of God. Amen.  


The festive celebrations that take place on December 25th around the world, where the birth of Lord Jesus is celebrated, are traditions of ancient pagan peoples who venerated their idols on this day. This tradition, with idolatrous characteristics, has continued during our times.

The Lord Jesus left the commandment to remember His death and passion, but there is no reference in the scripture regarding the date of His birth nor a recommendation to celebrate it. Decorating our houses with lights, illuminated trees, Christmas ornaments, and exchanging gifts on this day are not suitable practices.

There are brethren who greet people wishing them a Merry Christmas, denoting acceptance of these customs that contradict the Word of God. The people of God should be vigilant not to be contaminated by the traditions that exist in the world, keeping true to what the Lord Jesus said concerning the disciples in John 17:16: “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.”

Your brothers in Christ, The Council of Elders in the United Kingdom

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